How Can Your Unused Commute Time Beats Job Stress and Burnout?


So here we are, a year after most of the world moved to work and study from home. For some, it works great, while others feel that the work from home is not sustainable anymore.

  • Slack notifications

  • Kids

  • Emails notifications

  • Back to back zoom meetings

  • Workout

  • Supermarket

  • Cooking

  • Pets

  • Training programs

  • Think quietly and reflect on what's working and not working so you can focus on what's possible?

  • Focus on doing the work you need to do when you don't meet, eat, take care of others in your personal life or run errands.

 How can we know what we feel right now if we don't have a moment to check in with ourselves? Let's start with defining what's the difference between burnout and stress to make sure you know what you experience right now.

  1. Burnout - is when we feel emotional exhaustion caused by excessive stress that interferes with our ability to function.

  2. Stress – we feel stress when our mental, physical or emotional reserves are pushed past our comfort level. Stress can be positive; some of us can perform better under stress, while for others, stress can be a negative experience, but we can still handle it.

So why burnout became such an extensive conversation right now? I believe there are a few reasons:

  1. Simple experiences– our life became very simple, most of our day-to-day experiences. We miss on the more significant experiences that create special memories like travel, larger celebrations, conferences, and more.

  2. A Lower sense of purpose and meaning – burnout is not about how hard you work; some people work hard and don't feel burnout. Part of the reason people don't feel emotional exhaustion is a sense of purpose – when we have a sense of purpose, we can work hard and still keep going.

  3. No more informal meetings to close quickly some items on your to-do list - The water fountain conversation has been replaced with another meeting that adds to the larger amount of meetings stack in your calendar every day.

So what can do you do if it feels too much? What do you do if you feel burnout?

If you feel your emotional exhaustion is beyond your capabilities, take a day or two to calm down, and then create a sustainable plan to engage recovery time or building energy into your day – every day.

Now you ask – but how? How can I afford the time to recover? And my answer to you as the first step of mind shift is one word: Commute.

When I lived in New York City, every day I had 20-30 minutes ride in the Subway and then 10 minutes walk where at times I will stop at the deli and buy bread, milk, and a few tomatoes, Oh and there is also an avocado, and then I kept my walk holding my bag quietly until I arrived home.

While riding the subway, I would read a book, listen to music, or even get a quick nap.

Where is your commute time since you moved to work from home? Where is that time carved into your day?

Here are a few things my clients started doing using the morning and afternoon commute time:

Morning Commute time - before inbox/slack:

  • Drinking coffee and planning the day

  • Dreaming

  • Reading a book

  • Watching a video to learn something new.

  • One of my clients decided to focus his morning "commute" time on personal development goals; he is an SME in his work area. But, coaching made him realize he enjoys spending time on personal development.

  • Walking outside

  • Eating breakfast as a family.

Afternoon Commute:

  • Dreaming/planning

  • Focus time to work on a specific project – phone and computer on airplane mode

  • Walking with a family member or alone while listening to a podcast

  • Working in the garden

  • Reading a book

  • Workout

You can notice that all the actions above address the need for purpose or recovery. I am a true believer that to create sustainable new habits, we must focus each time on one step that can help us move to a new way of being and doing - only one. When we take too many steps, we move in circles rather than seeing progress. 

 No matter how long was your commute time, curve the commute time you used to have into your day – your brain gets it, and it will allow you to give yourself the permission to act on it with ease. Take the first step to build on your energy levels and move you away from the burnout experience you feel right now.

Last thought about mental health days - If your people get to the point where they need to take a mental health day, that's a red flag; it means that you learned about it too late. As a leader, I invite you to ask yourself what needs to happen that no one in your organization will require a mental health day ever?

Five Shorts - Five things I learned from Prime Minister Golda Meir's Story:


Hey There,
 Take a Moment,

I know, I know, it supposed to be a short newsletter! but this short month brought long thoughts; so take a  moment to lean back, and get inspired while you sip on a good cup of coffee (or tea...).

February 2021 - Let's go!

Before Shorts

A few years ago, I added to my personal development goals the goal of reading biographies.
Why reading biographies? 
I believe there is a lot we can learn from the stories of others - to think outside the box, you not only look forward or to the sideways, but it is also important to not be arrogant and look backward.
Last March (yes, when the pandemic started), I realized that my inability to READ long books is my capability of listening to very long books. That's when my love story with audible started and I saw the opportunity of listening to long biographies, beginning with 35 hours of journey to the invigorating life story of Golda Meir - Israel's fourth prime minister. She was the first and only female Prime Minister in Israel and the first woman foreign secretary in the world.
Here are five things I learned from Prime Minister Golda Meir's Story:

Short 1 - Speaking in English was Her Forte and her Barrier  
Golda (she liked to be called Golda) was born in 1898 in Ukraine, but grew in Milwaukee, US. She was a feisty young lady; when her parents wanted her to leave high school and go to work, she ran away from home and moved to live in Texas with her older sister. Influenced by her older sister, she was introduced to the Zionist Movement and quickly joined the leadership to recruit members and ask for financial support for the early settlers in Israel. When she moved to Israel with her husband, she was scolded for speaking in Yiddish (the European Jewish language) and English: "Speak Hebrew" People yelled at her when she tried to speak in meetings, but she always felt less competent when she spoke Hebrew.
If you heard my story I definitely connected with Golda's experience - when speaking which was her forte, becomes your barrier. 
Even though her Hebrew was never as good as her English, her ability to craft her talks with emotional storytelling made many people follow her and send her back to Israel with Millions of dollars to support the young country. And of course, choose her to Lead the Israeli Labor party and become the prime minister.

Short 2 - She Led With Emotions 
"Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either. Golda Meir

And if we talk emotions – she brought tears into her leadership and didn't apologize for it.
She teared a lot, especially when she saw suffering; she was a mother and understood the pain of a mother, and was attentive to it. And still, she has been described as the "Iron Lady."

Short 3 - She Was the First Female Foreign Secretary
When she was asked: how does it feel to be the first female foreign secretary in the entire world, she answered: "I don't know, I was never a man."

Short 4 - Fail is Not Always the Whole Story
"I am not the same woman after Yom Kippur War, I should have listened to my gut feeling." Golda Meir

Golda will always be remembered for her bad decision before Yom Kippur War. As the story tells, she went against her intuition and didn't move the army forces toward the Israeli borders. She followed the advice of most of the Israeli generals who didn't believe anything is going to happen before the end of the holiest holiday for Jewish People "Yom Kippur" and the war caught Israel by surprise. This decision cost a painful war with many casualties and impacted the country's morale. She resigned from her Prime Minister role.
Still, I learned that Golda did so much before and after Israel was founded; being Israeli, I didn't realize that her hand was in endless important decisions of the country. When the country focused on building fast to address the massive Jewish immigration - She made sure immigrants' kids will have playgrounds next to their buildings. She passed labor laws to protect working mothers before any country in the world. And she raised millions of dollars that, without that money, Israel, might not thrive and even become a country. She was a lioness.

Short 5 - She was an Extrovert
"Don't be humble you are not that great!" Golda Meir
Golda was an extrovert – When her kids were older and left her house, Golda missed being with people at all times. Traveling, long hours meetings, conversations in her kitchen – that's what fed her spirit. Although she did have many lovers (some of them are very famous), she chose not to get married again after separating from her husband. "Even though she showed up as humble, she needed people's attention and loved when people asked her questions," her daughter shared. This is why she made sure to always invite people for a cake and conversation in her kitchen. "Golda's Kitchen;" or "the kitchen" is a known Israeli phrase still used to describe political moves being "cooked" outside of the "meeting room". What many don't know is that as much as Golda was good at cooking and baking political movements, she was not a good cook or baker.
To learn more about her, check this video HERE

February What's New at Noa Ronen Coaching?

The Change Formula
I am so excited to share with you the CHANGE formula.
When I share the Change Formula with leaders and teams it creates a simple language to express where each one of us, or where the team as a whole is right now.
--> Are we too much in the action and we should lean back and take a moment to think and reflect?
--> Are we too much in the being; too much thinking or letting the feeling lead your way with no much movement?
Check the article HERE

Re-Mind - New Podcast-Mini-Series with Dr. Darian Parker
8 Episodes - 5 minutes each - starting March 1st

"Noa I have an idea! I want to partner with you and do a mini-series podcast that is different, theatrical, even Avangard."
"What?" I said, and then added: "Okay, Darian if you see that in me, I am game!"
Darian is one of the coolest podcast hosts I met in 2020 who also became a good friend. The Re-Mind Mini-Series consists of eight short reminders of what we know but sometimes forget or need to connect with our actions through mindful practices.
It was such an excellent experience, and you can subscribe to Darian's podcast - HERE. Darian will release a new episode every week. Each episode is around 5 minutes.
Darian also has tons of content so check him out!!

Check out other podcast interviews with me HERE

Walking Mastermind 2021 - The Virtual Option
Walking mastermind is back – we are virtual but we keep meeting monthly. You can sign up here
Here are the topics for the next 4 months topics for 2021

  • March 12 - Permission - Just Do / Just Be

  • April 9 - Act on vs Acting out

  • May 14 - Building on the momentum

  • June 11 - Resourceful vs Resources

Everyone is welcome!
You can sign up here for all the next sessions and start the year strong with networking and personal growth. It can feel good to know you have a networking plan all ready for the year!

Will You Write Me a Book Review?
Have you read my book? Thank you for the support! and if you found value in my book will you share it with others? I would be BEyond grateful if you share your book review on Amazon – Link here.

Five Shorts - January 2021 - Let's Go

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Hey There,
 Take a Moment,

I know, I know, it is the beginning of the year! You are all busy planning; that's why I have crafted these five shorts to allow you to take a short moment, lean back, and get inspired while you sip on a good cup of coffee (or tea...).

2021 - Let's go!

Short 1 - One Word PLAYFUL
My one word this year is PLAYFUL; my opposite of playful is the word forceful. It is easy for me to move from playful to forceful. Why? Because I like to see results, and maybe even though I tell people I am not competitive, that inner need to achieve goals takes over and starts taking away the fun and force results. As you can imagine, it never works. Not only do I not see the results I want, but I also get frustrated. 2020 taught me that playing brings extraordinary results with so much joy. So I decided to expand and be playful in 2021. How? I don't know; if I force playful, it is not fun anymore…

Learn more about one word: Check Gretchen Robin's podcast about one word for the year here
Play: Check this, 
click here, to find your one word 

Short 2 - Networking with Purpose
Being a podcast guest opened my networking opportunities beyond my local network. I meet with podcast hosts from different states and other countries, and they all have one thing that I find in common; a purpose/strong why they care. The purpose for each one is different, but the passion and heart are always there. Networking with podcast hosts is a pure none selling relationship, and that's what gets me pumped. Let's get to know each other, let's learn about each other's' purpose, and let's have a deep conversation that th podcast targeted audience can learn, grow, get inspired, and motivated. 
Click here to learn more about my podcast network: check this page to learn about all the podcast hosts I meet (it is continuously updated, so stay tuned for more!)

Short 3 - Puzzle

In the last year, I joined the Puzzle club. From 500 pieces to 1,000, I chose to spend less time in front of screens and find other ways to read more, learn more and relax. As I shared before, one of my favorite things in the last year is to listen to an audible book while doing puzzles. Not long ago, my husband joined me, and we started working on a 2,000 pieces puzzle. It worked well until we got closer to the endpoint, we realized that we have a totally different approach to do puzzles. He likes to organize the pieces by shape and color; they stand aligned like soldiers; while I have my organized chaos, I take the pieces with the same color and work on them in the area I want to work. He is too organized for me; I am too chaotic for him. Even though we respect each other's way of doing, we realized that we couldn't work at the same time because we distract each other. We are a team for more than 20 years, and we work together in many ways, so why we can't figure this one out? It made me ponder on team members who work together, and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. This is one of these times when I don't have an answer, only curiosity. I will keep you posted, but let me know what you think, for now, check the pictures below, I think you can identify which is which.

Short 4 - Playful with Chords
Hubby had his birthday, so I bought a Karaoke machine. We dimmed the lights, sang of tune, and found a way to enjoy and celebrate together. When one of us sang Piano Man by Billy Joel, my daughter asked me if I can get her Billy Joel's book for the piano so they can play his songs. Her ask took me back to an ancient goal: I always wanted to learn how to play chords on the piano. I play the piano, but I have never learned piano theory or improvising or playing chords. Fortunately, my son, Idan, came to the rescue. He promised to teach me chords. We broke it into 10 minutes lessons; he knows so much, I know so little. He has a musical ear; I am better at reading notes. He learns to meet me where I am; I learn to let him lead the dance.
Something to think about: I thought it would take me years to get the grasp of chords. This is why I never did it. It took my son less than a week to teach me the basics of chords to start playing on my own. What perspective might be getting in your way to achieve a goal?
here to the Piano Man by Billy Joel 

Short 5 - Supporting Your Community through Coffee

Do you live in Raleigh-Durham? Do you love Coffee? Check my IG account to learn more about the Sunday Long walk and Coffee adventure my husband and I started.
Each Sunday morning, no matter the weather, we will go on a long walk and then try a new coffee shop in our area. Why? Because we all get stuck with one option. So we challenge ourselves to be curious and see what's out there, and actually, there is a lot in the Triangle coffee scene, and most coffee shops have great Coffee!
What excites me? Social Leadership! When I so many new coffee shops that have a social purpose that is beyond selling Coffee; $1 coffee @Jeplane/Durham for people who can't afford to pay more, $10 chip to sponsor people to get a meal at @place at the table in downtown Raleigh and working opportunities for people with disabilities @esteamed coffee shop in downtown Cary. Check them out. #inspired!

What’s next? Get inspired and check my IG Feed or check the following coffee shops: Jepplan CoffeeEsteamed, and A Place at the Table and support your community while drinking coffee.


I believe that we are not lazy, I believe we are able to be accountable to our goals. Check my last article about accountability and learn a few tricks and tips on how you can be accountable your way - the way that works for you. Click here.

Walking Mastermind 2021 - The Virtual Option
Walking mastermind is back – we are virtual but we keep meeting monthly. You can sign up here
Here are the topics for the next 5 months topics for 2021

  • Jan - Intentions

  • Feb 12 - Circles of Connections

  • March 12 - Permission - Just Do / Just Be

  • April 9 - Act on vs Acting out

  • May 14 - Building on the momentum

  • June 11 - Resourceful vs Resources

We invite you to join us – you can sign up here for all the next 5 sessions and start the year strong with networking and personal growth. Always feels good to feel we have a plan!
Everyone is welcome!

Will You Write Me a Book Review?
Have you read my book? Thank you so much. I appreciate your support and would be even more grateful if you share your review on Amazon – Link here.

Five Shorts About Joy - December

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I know, I know. It is the Holidays Season, we are all busy, or maybe a bit upset that the 2020 holiday season doesn't look like what we are used to; still, here are five shorts for you to take a moment to lean back with your hot-mint cocoa and get inspired to find your JOY.

Let's go!

Short 1 - The Difference Between Joy and Happiness
Doing quick research (thank you, google) brought up many different perspectives about this topic. Despite the different perspectives, the consensus is that happiness depends on external factors to exist. Happiness happens to us. Even though we may seek it, desire it, pursue it, feeling happiness is not a choice we make. Joy, on the other hand, is a purposeful choice. Joy is an attitude of the heart and spirit, present inside. It's possible to feel joy in difficult times. Joy doesn't need a smile to exist, and it can share its space with other emotions like sadness, shame, or anger. Happiness can't.

Short 2 - Volunteering
The research shows that when we feel emotional pain or chronic physical pain, the best medicine is volunteering. When we feel the pain, we go inward. When we help others, we move outward – it's being shown that when We experience joy when we achieve selflessness to the point of personal sacrifice.

Short 3 - Teaching Our Kids the Joy of Giving (Hanukkah Edition)
Here is the deal: there is no such thing as giving the kids eight gifts in Israel. I believe it is because we don't need to compete with Christmas; Lets' face it, no one can compete with Christmas, even though our family doesn't celebrate it, I can attest it is the best Holiday E-V-E-R. Even though we live here for 15 years, we still give our kids one gift on the first night of Hanukkah.
Let's face it; many kids these days don't need too much while others don’t have anything. When I ask my kids what do they need for birthdays or holidays, they pause and can't come up with anything they need because they live in the Amazon prime realty. Still, there are others who don’t have this privileged.
Inspired by a friend, my husband and I decided to take advantage of the eight-night of Hanukkah gifts idea and tell our kids that fortunately, there is nothing they need, while during this period of COVID, there are many that do need support. Therefore night each one of us chose an organization they care about to donate money to. When we light the candle, the child or parent had to explain the organization to the family and share the link to donate. Each kid had two nights, us the parents one. Eight nights, eight donations – that's joy ;-)

Short 4 - Christmas Songs
One of my favorite things since I moved to the US, is Christmas Songs. My favorite station, after checking Amazon, Spotify, etc, is actually Pandora. This weekend I baked cookies with my older son and put the Christmas songs in the background. Yep, – Joy.

Short 5 - Cookies!!!!
My husband and I follow Paleo guidelines, and our daughter follows a GAAP/SCD diet, and she is also allergic to eggs. Now baking was not my forte for many years, but like any mother, I wanted my daughter to enJOY her food and baked goods – which is not an easy task. This means that in the last four years, I have experimented with baking with Almond Flour (I do not use gluten-free flour) to try and find good recipes that will bring a smile to my daughter's face (and us too). Here are our two Holiday Season recipes – if you are moving to this way of eating for health reasons or just because it is the new year, check those out. My favorite recipes are from – I haven't failed with any of her recipes. Check her out:

Gingerbread Cookies (great for breakfast)


Thumbprint cookies (I prefer them without the jam – just plain and simple)


Five Shorts -Why I don't Wait for 2021? Burnout, Energy and Gratitude.


Short 1 - Why I Don't Wait for 2021

A year ago, December 2019, I was full of excitement – I waited for 2020 to begin. 

20 20

This number 2020 - I had this unique feeling that nothing can go wrong; did you share the same feeling? 

And then 2020 happened; so much messiness and uncertainty and still, can I admit that 2020 was a joyful year for me? How come?

The main reason – I stopped waiting. Each time there was an obstacle in my life - I waited, I waited for nothing. Obstacles stay, the question is do you stand and wait for them to move, or do you move.

This time I took advantage of the new reality aka family at home. 

I had no hard stops, no need to pick up kids or run errands; I can do what I want and I learn how to approach my skills in a new way. I learned how to deliver virtual events in an entertaining way (thank you YouTube); I started speaking as a guest at podcasts (I love love love it), I get to network with podcast hosts worldwide.

You see, In this paradox of being in somewhat of a lockdown, I feel freer than ever.

Short 2 - Why You Shouldn’t Wait for 2021?

Why wait?

Why not now?

What is the difference between today and January 1st?

What if there was never a new year to wait for? What would be possible then?

Check my new article about why I believe procrastination is not as bad as we think. Procrastination - Why I Believe There Is Wisdom In Our Resistance And How Can We Start Listening To It?


Short 3 - Energy Bank 

This month's theme is... drum rolls... Energy.

Many of the people I coach have back to back meetings. The never-ending story. The vicious cycle of people being at home and creating more work for each other.

Here is what to do when you feel that your energy is low:

1. Step one – write down all your energy drainers and all your energy boosters:

Energy Drainers: Here you write everything that takes from your energy: people, actions, situations. For example, every time they ask for a five-minute chat, a peer drags you to a 30-45 minutes call while they complain and complain. Maybe energy drainer is when you don't have time to eat lunch or have video meetings all day long or work every day after dinner.

Energy Boosters: Here you write all the things that boost your energy: people, actions, activates. For example:

  • Walk outdoors for 20 minutes

  • Have phone calls instead of video calls (can you walk while you have those calls)?

  • Eating lunch with your child once a week

  • Listening to a podcast/audiobook

  • Coach one of your team members

  • Learning something new or read a book for 30 minutes

  • Coffee

  • Meditation

  • Work in the garden

  • Meet a friend once a week?


2. Step two – include energy boosters in your weekly and monthly plan. How? 

  • Ask yourself how many of the energy boosters you would like to fit into your week. No judgment; One? Two? More?

  • Reality-Check - Open your calendar and see how many of the boosters you CAN fit into your calendar.

  • Add the boosters

  • Protect your boosters

  • Repeat every week, month, and year.


Short 4 - Burnout 

In my book, I talk about the Being and Doing Energies. The Doing energy is the energy of the actions. The Being energy is the energy of our mindset (thoughts, fears, aspirations, beliefs, perspectives) and emotions.
Burnout is when we experience emotional exhaustion. Most of us focus on the actions and regard the being energy. Why is that? From an early age, we learned from the adults that actions are what expected from us and what we are rewarded for ("Be a good boy and clean up your room, be a good girl and do your homework) so we focus on doing.
Burnout is when our container of emotions and thoughts is BEYOND full so we ignore what we feel and think and focus on actions or prefer to focus on actions because inside we know that touching the emotions and thoughts can be too much.
It is a journey to learn how to BE with our emotions and thoughts or to be with the emotions and thoughts of others.
During the Holiday Season when you meet with your family and friends, when it feels too much, or when you hear too many thoughts in your head - slow down and acknowledge what you feel and think, and if needed take a break and recharge.


  • Go on a walk/run

  • Sit outside

  • Work in the garden

  • Listen to this 60 minutes podcast about burnout with Brene Brown while cooking

But I am the host I can’t leave them…

  • So take 15 - find a quiet room like the laundry room, the garage, your bathroom, your closet, and take five to twenty minutes to breathe, meditate, read a book/poems, journaling or listening to a podcast or TED talk that can inspire you.

  • If you have kids take them outside and play with them.

Check out the following two podcasts around burnout

1. Nothing Left to Give - A full podcast around burnout - Click here to check the podcast

2. Brené with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle -   Click here to listen to the podcast episode

Short 5 - Gratitude 

Once a month I meet with my coach. In coaching it is the coachee's responsibility to bring the topic for the conversation –– to indicate what they want to work on. This month I was not sure about my topic. But what did show up is gratitude. Gratitude to many of my clients who show up week after week –– some for six months, some for a year. They show up with a topic, e-v-r-e-y-t-i-m-e. And even if they don't have a topic, they trust that in the coaching conversation they will always learn something new about themselves or their challenges. I am inspired by their want to grow and become their better selves - not just for themselves but also for the impact they create in building relationships with others.

Five Shorts - October - Puppies, Fall and the Wisdom of Resistance

Short 1 - The Wisdom of Resistance
Procrastination? Excuses? Laziness? Here is what I have learned from pushing back on those notions from my clients. Most of them are not lazy; when we take a moment to listen to the wisdom of resistance, it always has something wise to say. So why we don't move? Mostly it is when we don't have clarity about the purpose and meaning of what we are doing or asked to do. Until you understand the purpose or get clarity on what you want to create, sitting in front of this task and making yourself do it will move you nowhere.
Check this video to learn more about this idea.

Short 2 - Books, Books, Books
When I published my book, my desire to read returned. I promised myself to read at least one or two books each month. Right now, I am reading

  • The Heart of Buddha's Teaching, Thich Nhat Hann – it was time to deep dive and understand better the foundations of Buddhism; I like how simple this book is.

  • The Color of Water, James McBride - recommended by my daughter. A real story being told by the black son of an orthodox mother. Expressing a black child's identity crisis beautifully and a young man without a father in a challenging reality of courageous mothers goes against so many norms.

  • Stretch, unlock the power of less by Scott Sonenshein – are you a chaser? In the last few months, I work on experiencing more joy, and one of the biggest realizations was that the question "What's Next?" needs to move away; it is time to stay and appreciate where I am and being more resourceful with what we have.

Short 3 - Is It Bad?
My older sister said something a few weeks ago that stuck with me. Like any sister's conversation, we always have the kids segment: "How are the kids doing?" we ask each other. I told her that I am worried about the kids. They don't have enough social interaction. "I don't think it is such a big deal," my sister said, "our kids learn now how to be resilient; we made life too easy for them. Our life as kids was not that easy so that they will have a good lesson from this season in their life."
It made me look at my kids differently. I see my kids appreciating socializing with their friends more; they enjoy spending time with my husband and me.
I see them enjoying the virtual learning and creating their schedule for a whole day with ease. I can see each of them where the struggle is, and I challenge them to work through it rather than solve it for them. I want them to know that I am always there for them, but they are creative and resourceful, and after this experience, they will be even more.

Short 4 - Connect Two
Do you wish you had more time? Do you wish you were able to achieve more goals in your long to-do list? I don't have a long list, but I keep some goals consistently as my weekly goal. For years I have: a meeting with a friend once a week. Yep. This is a long term weekly goal. Another weekly goal is 4-5 times a week to work out and even no workout day to recharge and chill.
But what do we do when there is a new goal? How do we incorporate the new ones with the current ones? My secret is connecting two.

  • Meet a friend and walk

  • Be with my kids and workout

  • Listen to podcasts or audiobook while cooking or doing puzzles

  • I invite my clients to walk during our coaching sessions

What are your Connect Two? Share your tips.

Short 5 - Adventure Anyone?
What brings you joy? One of the things that bring me joy are little adventures. When I lived in Brooklyn, my favorite thing was to go with the kids (or alone) on an adventure. We hopped on the Subway train, and when we got off the train, the adventures had always found us. Every Sunday morning, my husband and I go on a long walk. It became our COVID tradition, but with a decision to let go of date nights, one Sunday morning, I asked him if he feels like heading to a coffee shop and get something after the walk. We got back home from the walk, got into the car, and off we went. The next week Saturday night, I saw on Instagram that a new coffee shop is opening; what's going on? So many new coffee shops that are opening during COVID19? Maybe it is a way for us to support new businesses while doing what we both love, drinking coffee? And that's how our new adventure started, every Sunday we go on a long walk and then check a coffee shop new or old that we haven't checked before. It is our special time, and it feels like an adventure. Our adventure.
Here are a few of the coffee shops we checked until now;
For more check my Instagram Feed.

My Latest Social Media Video - Puppies?  
Check my latest social media video with my son Idan; he explains the connection between pace, progress, and puppies.

Check it here

Walking Mastermind
Walking mastermind is back, you are welcome to join us
November 6th, 10am-11am EST everyone is welcome.