Look BEyond
Leadership from AwareLess to AwareNess (™)
Conscious leaders listen better; they communicate with purpose; they walk their talk and choose to do the right things even when others disagree. They look beyond themselves, beyond their values, and beyond their vision to engage others and help them BEcome their better selves. It starts with a simple formula:
““Thank you for kicking off the TSHRM year with a bang!!
Your presentation was not only engaging and entertaining but so relevant and timely. ”
The being of leadership, Personal Development, Conscious Leadership, Mindset, Creating Awareness, Leading Change, Overcome Obstacles, Social Leadership, Conflict Resolution, Beyond - Vision & Values.
Speaking Style:
Engaging (using exercises that invite the audience to stay in active listening and process what they need to process while listening), thought-provoking ideas - challenging the norms thinking patterns, Inspiring.
Executives, Emerging Leaders, Non-Profit Leaders, Social Leaders, Business Owners, Professional Associations.
Virtual Needs:
Having a speaker who understands the unique challenges that come with virtual presentations — and can adapt to those challenges — is more important than ever. This is why I took the time to test my material to fit the virtual need and even Zoomba Fatigue to keep the audience engaged.
Let’s make your next event
a success.
“With her presentation about teaching people to be leaders instead of teaching people how to lead, Ronen fits right in with the creative ideas on full display at the DisruptHR event held Wednesday at Durham’s PSI Theatre.”
Ask Noa about her book: BEyond: Leadership from AwareLess to AwareNess and the option to purchase it to your organization.
Leadership from AwareLess to AwareNess (™)
Influence the change you want by mastering the simple formula of change
AwareLess tendencies
When we are triggered our emotions lead our way, our thought patterns get in our way which lead to outcomes we don’t want to take. We all have tendencies that miss-lead our leadership course. These autopilot behaviors can get in our way from seeing the results we want. This is what I call a state of AwareLess.
Creating an awareness of your leadership tendencies can be a game-changer; It can be the difference between shutting people down and listening, it can be the difference between being reactive or being intentional, it can be the difference between giving your time to everyone else or having time, it can be the difference between avoiding or showing up, taking risks and creating an impact, and it can be the difference between having a conflict or having a conversation.
Creating awareness by using the IPLC Framework:
Identify - Are you a DO-er or a BE-er?
BE-ers are being led by emotions or thoughts. Learn how by knowing that you can be in the way of leading a change and how you can shift it.
DO-ers are being led by your actions. Learn how your actions can make others resist you and how you can shift it when you run too fast for them and don’t like to be slowed down.Labeling
Understand why your brain likes to get in your way and why naming the emotions and thought patterns with no judgment is better than avoiding or ignoring it.
Pause and Choose
Learn how to Pause and then Choose whether to stay or to shift from your tendencies.
See BEyond
Understand how the ILPC framework can help you empower others and yourself.
Understand why diversifying your team by having both Do-ers and Be-ers is so important and can help your team thrive.
Have shared language to express the needs of the team, or calling on the team when it is on autopilot with its tendencies.
from 40 minutes Keynote to 3 hours workshop.
In-Person And Virtually.
The ROI of
BEyond Leadership
The Value of Self Reflection
(An Advanced Program for Leaders)
The power Of Self Reflection.
What is missing in your formula to be better as a leader? What is missing in your formula to communicate better with others? Creating the change you want, starts with creating awareness.
Creating awareness requires reflective practice. But the problem is that most of us don’t know how to reflect. In this talk you will learn how to practice reflection by using the BEYOND MODEL.
The BEyond Model
The BEyond Model
Copyright © 2020 Noa Ronen
Coaching LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Reflection is one of the main tools that can distinguish between the leaders who see results and envision and the ones who don’t. Leaders who take a few minutes each week to reflect, move from reactive, unfocused, and tactical leaders to leaders who are proactive, strategic, focused, and engaging.
The Beyond Model is a leadership reflection tool that can help you see BEyond your vision, your values, and yourself so you can engage others in a simple way with a model that fits you!
In this talk you will:
Understand the difference between the doing and being energies
Learn the Four DARE areas (Data, Acting on, Resourceful, Energy)
Understand the illusion of awareness and why reflective practice will help you become an aware leader.
See BEyond by understanding your why and values.
group size is flexible, In-Person, or Virtually.
BEyond Change
How Leaders Can Use the Change Formula to lead the change they desire
AwareLess Change
Most organizations experience constant internal and external change, and the successful ones are those that help strengthen the leaders who can weather the storms against the distractions and high stress. Yet there’s no employee manual telling these leaders how to lead effectively, so they do what they know – they focus on driving actions. But there are some areas, like leadership, where only taking action is not enough! There is more: actions without any Awareness will not lead to the desired change you want.
System - The BEyond force
The Being energy is the force that can stop you or move you BEyond.
Pushing yourself or others into actions without understanding the Being energy, or as Noa calls it the Being Force in the system, can make people resist the change, and/or even stop you.
In this program you will:
Identify are you a BE-er or Do-er
Learn the difference between the Being and Doing energies.
The being force in the system
Identify the being force, its importance, and its impact on your actions and the system as a whole when you want to influence a change with success.
Practice - learn through engaging scenarios with the change formula where are your blindspots (where are you AwareLess) as a leader, learn to identify the being force with your actions and the system so you can influence a change tomorrow at ease.
See BEyond
learn the CHANGE Formula and create your own change formula of success.
Understand why diversifying your team by having both Do-ers and Be-ers is so important and can help your team thrive.
Have a shared language to express the needs of the team, or calling on the team when it is on autopilot with its tendencies.
** This is 45 minutes to 4 hours Program, group size is flexible,
In Person And Virtually.
““One of the best programs I have attended!
Noa was very effective and provided new perspectives and steps I can take back to my work and implement easily.””
Meet Noa
Noa Ronen, MBA PCC. Speaker, coach, author, vlogger, disruptor and coffee lover brings more than 20 years of experience in Change Management, Human Resources, Project Management, and coaching. Noa encourages progressive leaders and social leaders to never settle on the norms so they can create the change they desire. Noa’s personal relocation experience resulted in a refreshing view of the world that invites you rather than looking for the differences in others to open your mind and heart to see people and situations differently. This is what Noa calls Beyond Leadership where your new way of being inspires and influences others. You can purchase Noa’s book on Amazon/B&N: BEyond: Leadership from AwareLess to AwareNess: Dare to BE the Leader You Can Be.
““Noa was a great speaker very engaging, kept us interested and even got us out of our seats a few times. I truly enjoyed the material she shared. “”
Contact noa for more information
““Noa Ronen’s presentation about the Being of Leadership was amazing and life transforming!! I discovered some entirely different ways of thinking. I am still pondering about the ideas that she helped generate in my mind. She actually helped me to think in a new way!! She helped me to think differently. I am very grateful for the experience!!”
“Thank you for kicking off the TSHRM year with a bang!! Your presentation was not only engaging and entertaining but so relevant and timely. I truly appreciated hearing your words of wisdom and I'm sure others did as well!” Amanda Larkin, SHRM-CP, Marketing Director, TSHRM
DisruptHR Event Brings TED-like Talks on Talent to Triangle “Before Noa Ronen, owner of Noa Ronen Coaching in Raleigh, started her talk at DisruptHR last night, she made one thing clear to the audience: “If you’re wondering where my accent’s from I’m from Israel—that’s it, we’re done, now you know it so you don’t have to think about it,” she said as the audience let out a laugh.
With her presentation about teaching people to be leaders instead of teaching people how to lead, Ronen fit right in with the creative ideas on full display at the DisruptHR event held Wednesday at Durham’s PSI Theatre. Although she and the other 13 participants had only five minutes to present, and only 15 seconds per slide, Ronen said the event was a great opportunity to spread her unique ideas on leadership... “I really see myself as a disrupter—and that was a great opportunity to share something that’s out-of-the-box.”
This kind of divergent thinking is exactly what one of the event’s organizers, Ryan Batchelor, wanted to give a platform to when he founded the Raleigh-Durham chapter of DisruptHR, a national organization designed to “energize, organize, and empower people” in the HR field.” GrapeBeat, Triangle Tech News
"Noa Recently provided the capstone speech to the Leadership Girl Live Summit, where she skillfully wove together the content from the weekend, and tied it up with a bow. Her speech was interesting, entertaining, and relevant to the rest of the event, and she did a great job of getting, and keeping the audience's attention, and helping set intentions moving forward.
I highly recommend Noa for her speaking and leadership skills and her ability to captivate an audience." Haley Gray, Leadership Girl founder, Business Coach LeadershipGirl.com
"Noa Ronen left a blasting impression as the closing speaker at reCharge Business and Lifestyle Conference 2018. Her talk on The Beauty of Being Lost-from Barriers to Breakthroughs, left conference participants charged and challenged to break through the barriers in their lives. Noa captivated the room with her authentic and witty demeanor. Noa Ronen is a Leadership Coach and speaker with a genuine heart to help others Dare to Be. We loved working with Noa and are grateful for the powerful impact she added to our conference." Carl Claiborne, Envision You Life Coaching, LLC
"Noa spoke to our Chix in Business group a few weeks ago with the topic “Dare to Be”. I loved seeing our group engaging with her on topics that helped them grow and learn about themselves- it is so incredibly fulfilling. Noa is such a positive and encouraging teacher and truly believes in what she speaks, I felt like our members received so much from her presentation and I did as well! Noa speaks from her heart and shares powerful knowledge that helps us face our fears and take on challenges with hope and courage. This enables us to grow and to become more empowered. I would highly recommend her as both a speaker and as a coach. I am so grateful for all I have learned from her over the years!" Elizabeth Galecke, Owner, Elizabeth Galecke Photography, Founder, Chix In Business
““Fear is a big blocker for me and it felt like she was talking directly to me. I tried hard not to cry during her talk because her message really spoke to me.””
"It is my pleasure to recommend the brilliant and talented Noa Ronen. Noa spoke at our group FemCity Raleigh Luncheon. Noa, has an inherent ability to engage her audience from the moment she walks into the room. Through thought provoking presentations and engaging stories, she ensures you have the “a-ha” moment and leave with knowledge that is useful for you, specifically. I endorse Noa and all her capabilities. Feel free to reach out to me if you like in-depth information." Annie Freed, NC Broker Real Estate Realtor. Funding President FemCity Raleigh.
"Noa recently engaged our Alliance Referral Network group in a thoughtful discussion of "the being of leadership." Her central concept about building bridges between people by "see(ing) things differently" was introduced and expanded with care and charm, and was reinforced with a clever small group exercise. I can confidently advise that our professionals were engrossed in and captivated by Noa's presentation much more so than most I've attended. I am hopeful we can bring her back for more insights!" David R. Lindquist, DTM, Marketing Tune Up
““If failure is not an option, then neither is a success.” ”